
Starburner Role: Computer Technician
Gender: Male, but this could change. Martians are naturally gender-fluid.
Height: 1.5 m (5 ft)
Weight: 54 kg (119 lbs)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: N/A
Birthday: 2/8/2116
Birthplace: Opportunity City, United Province, Mars

Todd isn’t his real name. The Martian dialects are impossible for humans to pronounce. Most of them adopt Earth names for our benefit. He is very open-minded, easy-going, and friendly. This is pretty typical of his people. In fact, many Earthlings dislike and distrust Martians based solely on their congeniality. In the early days of contact with Mars, an ambassador to the planet returned to New York and made the statement “I find their docile dispositions and charming warmth to be alarmingly aggressive.”

Martians have an inexplicable talent for technology. Like so many of his people, Todd worked in a Galactocorp technical support call center. He is pretty typical for a young Martian. He is completely enamored with Earth culture, even if he doesn’t really understand it. Todd loves cherry cola. He drinks several liters of it everyday, despite the fact that he rarely experiences thirst. He is addicted to the sugar, and he thinks drinking it helps him fit in with Earthlings. Unfortunately, his body processes very little of the liquid. As a result, he has to excuse himself to visit the restroom frequently. This is both inconvenient and embarrassing for him. Todd also likes to dress in casual human clothes such as T-shirts, Hawaiian shirts, cargo shorts, and flip-flops. He does this to emulate Earth culture. Martians have exoskeletons that protect them from harsh environments. They also lack the human tendency to be ashamed of their bodies. Therefore, the clothes are purely decorative.