

Construction location: Vivid Horizons Lunar Shipyard
Commissioned by: The Anglo-American Alliance
Launched:  2091
Ship Class: Dragoon


Length: 274 m (900 ft)
Width: 92 m (302 ft)
Height: 45 m (148 ft)
Area: 1,134,360 cu m (40,226,400 cu ft)

Top speed

Thrusters: 161,000 kph (100,000 mph)
Orion Engine: 2.4 million kph (1.5 million mph)
Echo Engine: 1 parsec (3 light years) per jump


Nuclear Missile Silos: 50; Missile stockpile was manufactured on the moon.

Electromagnetic Rail Guns: 300; Projectiles can be either explosive or nonexplosive; They are manufactured on demand by the ship.

The Starburner is the epitome of excess. It is the largest, fastest, and deadliest ship ever constructed. It was built to be the most intimidating weapon ever designed. At its launch, British Prime Minister Wellington christened the ship “Starburner” because, as she stated “If this ship unleashed its full fury, it would shine like a new sun in the sky. The amount of potential energy contained in this one vessel is akin to keeping a star in a bottle.” General Calvin Brumfield, US Marine Corp, added “This beast doesn’t attack its enemies, it goes nova on them.”

According to the American and English governments, the ship was never intended to battle other militaries. They claimed that it was intended only to establish an unquestionable commitment to defending their interests off-world. Critics were not convinced. The world rallied and a world war nearly began. The Anglo-American Alliance was forced to surrender the ship. In 2075, an independent contractor, [yadawiki link=”Galactocorp” show=”Galactocorp”], was charged with stewardship of the Starburner.