Ling San

Starburner Role: Entertainment Director
Gender: Female
Height: 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in)
Weight: 64 kg (142 lbs)
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Birthday: 6/12/2114
Birthplace: Pasadena, CA, USA

Ling San grew up in a competitive family. Her parents had no tolerance for failure. Ling was an athlete growing up. She also studied and excelled at dance, Karate, and Tae Kwon Do. During a physical examination while preparing to enter high school, she was diagnosed with Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease (CMT). This is a rare disorder of the nervous system that causes muscle loss. Her very promising future as an athletic star became very bleak. She was devastated, but not as much as her parents.

They paid for very expensive treatments that included drug therapy and the installation of cybernetic implants. By the beginning of her junior year, she was a better athlete than before. She was the best track and field champion in her school’s history. She also dominated in baseball, basketball, and polo. Ling was offered several college scholarships. Her family was extremely proud of her.

All of this came crashing down after she started playing in college. She attended Stanford on a track and rowing scholarship. When the school discovered she was enhanced by cybernetics, they barred her from all sports. She lost her scholarship. Her parents paid for the tuition so they wouldn’t be ashamed that their daughter was kicked out.

Without sports, Ling lost her direction. Her college years were spent trying to figure out where she belongs. She enjoyed studying psychology, but she wasn’t passionate about it. She wound up getting involved with a group of conspiracy theorists. That relationship eventually led to her going undercover as Entertainment Director on the Starburner.