Guy Venner

Starburner Role: Geologist
Gender: Male
Height: 1.88 m (6 ft 2 in)
Weight: 77 kg (170 lbs)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Birthday: 8/05/2117
Birthplace: Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Guy Venner is an odd duck. The son of a salesman, he moved around a lot while growing up. By the time he was seventeen, he had lived in Port Elizabeth, East London, Newcastle, Melbourne, Mumbai, and Lisbon. Adapting to all these culturally distinct cities was stressful for him. He eventually gave up trying to fit in and created his own sort of pidgin language made from elements of several different dialects and a healthy dose of gibberish. He figured out, so he claims, that language is based more on intuition than logic. That may or may not be true, but it hasn’t helped him make friends. His over-the-top laid-back surfer dude persona and forced bravado are usually a mild success or dismal failure with the ladies. More often than not, he comes across as inauthentic. That’s his father’s salesman in him.

This loneliness and constant pressure to make friends in new places are how Guy got into geology. He spent a lot of time alone growing up and discovered rock collecting while living in Australia. He has curated collections for several museums and gained some notoriety on the lecture circuit. His proudest achievement has been the creation of a summer camp for underprivileged children in South Africa. Camp Gnarly Nuggets has been getting kids aged seven to seventeen into geology and surfing for three years now.