Dr. Lizzie Carmichael

Starburner Role: Anthropologist
Gender: Female
Height: 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in)
Weight: 64 kg (140 lbs)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red
Birthday: 3/15/2116
Birthplace: Plainflied, VT, USA

Elizabeth “Lizzie” Carmichael grew up an only child in a small New England town. She was raised by her grandparents. Her mother works for the World Health Organization, and spends at least six months a year in disease-stricken villages in the far corners of the world. Her father has a top-secret job with the American government, and spends at least eight months of the year off somewhere doing something. Despite the demands of their careers, her parents always manage to make it home for the holidays. This is why Thanksgiving and Christmas are very special to her. Lizzie is a bit of a holiday fanatic.

As a child, Lizzie accompanied her grandmother to work. She owns one of the few used book stores left in the world. Lizzie always loved leafing through the old paper books and periodicals. Her favorite things to read were the old National Geographic magazines. She was fascinated by the different cultures showcased in the magazine. When she finished high school, Lizzie continued that fascination by pursuing an education in anthropology.