Sebastian Winchester II

Starburner Role: Helm, EMS
Gender: Male
Height: 1.9 m (6 ft 3 in)
Weight: 82 kg (180 lbs)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Birthday: 4/21/2082
Birthplace: Chicago, IL, USA

Sebastian Theodore Winchester II is a world famous adventurer and playboy. He has done it all. His experiences include breaking the sound barrier in a sailboat he helped engineer, traveling as a roadie with a Danish pop group called DanskTøs (Danish Slut), and serving as a battlefield medic and intelligence agent during the Tibetan Bubblegum Wars. Winchester also explored various media projects such as playing a very popular character on the Latvian soap opera, Inficēto Sirdis (Infected Hearts). He prides himself on living life to its fullest. When Winchester’s publisher accidently released his résumé, it shot to the top of the bestseller list.

Much of Winchester’s experience is a mystery. In 2037, he dropped off the radar. Rumors spread quickly about his sudden disappearance from the public eye. Most theories involve hiding from assassins. Some believe that enemies he made during the war are after him. Others claim the King of Timor wants Winchester dead after he caught him in bed with the Queen and three of her servants. Other theories get a little weirder. A large number of people believe he was abducted by aliens, and others swear he ascended to a higher plane of existence. Even after five years in seclusion, his popularity continues to grow. He is a living legend.