Jorge Diego

Starburner Role: Mechanical Technician
Gender: Male
Height: 1.8 m (6 ft)
Weight: 102 kg (225 lbs)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Birthday: 2/20/2087
Birthplace: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Diego grew up as an only child in a middle class neighborhood in Buenos Aires. His mother was a diesel mechanic in the shipyards. His father left when he was a toddler. As a boy, Diego was always fascinated by how things work. He tinkered ceaselessly in the family garage. One of his uncles was a taxidermist. Diego loved to assist him in his workshop. In the sixth grade, he combined that interest with his love for robotics. He started his own business re-animating deceased pets by covering robotic bodies with real animal hides.

After finishing school, Diego worked for a couple of different shipping companies as a mechanical technician. After his wife, Safia died and his two children were grown, he decided he had enough of Earth. He got a job working on Galactocorp’s interplanetary fleet, and relocated with his two children to Mars. His daughter, Magan, manages several Earth-themed restaurants and is married to a Martian. His son, Miguel, teaches English and Japanese to Martian children.

Diego became friends with Kai while working on a Galactocorp ore processing ship. They have worked as a team for twelve years.