Brian Hastings

Starburner Role: Commander
Gender: Male
Height: 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in)
Weight: 86 kg (190 lbs)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Birthday: 9/03/2105
Birthplace: Huntington, WV, USA

Before taking the job of commander of the Starburner, Brian worked as an engineer for a small firm that specializes in fixing flaws in their clients’ designs. He lived in his parents’ old house with no pets, but a needy refrigerator.

Brian’s mother, Colleen Hastings, died in a forced labor camp in East Lynn, WV in 2117 during the Amish occupation. His father, John Hastings, was imprisoned in Circleville, OH during the occupation. John is now living in Waverly, OH and married to Mary Miller, a former guard at his POW camp.

Brian was always a quiet, timid child. Before the war, he lived an idyllic middle-class suburban life. He was an only child and kept a small group of friends. Brian was always considered intelligent but not especially talented. He didn’t make art or play any sports. Brian enjoyed reading and has always been fascinated by world records and historic explorers. He was always the kid with his head in the clouds, a dreamer.

On his own at fifteen, the war made Brian more pragmatic. He lost his sense of wonder and fell into a state of doldrums that lasted twenty-five years. He was reclusive and disliked most of the people in his life. When he was offered command of the Starburner, he was reluctant but could feel the nagging desire to get more from life. Now he leads the most important exploration mission since the space age began.